About Us

Vicki Latham P.A.-C.
Physician Assistant and Entrepreneur

The ToxinClear Health Network is a growing movement of people who want to live ToxinClear. They want to be constantly learning what they can do to take greater responsibility to live joyful lives, congruent with reality, and sustainable for the future.

The Visionary and CEO of the ToxinClear Health Network:

Vicki Latham, PA-C. is a board certified Physician Assistant with 30 years experience as a licensed Medical practitioner, specializing in Woman’s Health. Working as a licensed midwife, from 1980-1990, she delivered over 500 babies. Since 1990, as a Physician Assistant she has worked in adult medicine, OB/GYN, emergency services, and was the Women’s Health Practitioner for a major university for 9 years. Vicki is currently working in an internal medicine/family practice.

Personally, Vicki lives in Stillwater, Ok, is the mother of 5, the grandmother of 7, and has had a very productive and eventful life. She was a professional ballet dancer in NYC, a ballet teacher, and exercise instructor for 14 years. She still takes dance class each week, as her exercise of choice. In addition to her medical practice, she is a very successful entrepreneur.

Vicki has been interviewed on public radio, national/international webinars, written magazine articles, and has traveled across the country for over three years as a public speaker. Although she is no longer delivering babies herself, she continues to advocate for her concern about environmental toxicity, its daily exposures upon our natural environment, and how these pollutants affect the heath of every human, and animal on the plant. This affects our natural resources of water, air, soil, and food quality on a global scale. She believes that because our children are the most vulnerable, they are the “canary in the coal mine” of our environment…and they have been chirping loudly for quite some time. Autism rates are now 1 in 88 children, and there are massive increases in childhood cancers, asthma, behavioral issues, hormonal imbalances, diabetes, and obesity in children. These conditions all have a direct and documented link to pesticides, heavy metals, and other toxic exposures in utero, and early childhood.

Vicki’s passion is to educate. Speaking to anyone who has ears open to hearing about the hidden dangers of these toxins…but not just by alerting the public about the problem, but by providing solutions to this very real problem. There are natural alternatives that are safe and effective in reducing our “body burden of toxins” by the use of effective, simple ways to detoxify the body. And she believes we must lessen our harmful daily exposures to toxins from our food, water, air, in our bodies, homes and workspaces.

Her energy and passion is contagious, as those who hear her, are inspired to consider their lifestyle, and make better choices that are congruent with reality… sustainable, and provide hope for the future.

Vicki welcomes your comments about the ToxinClear web site, and the ToxinClear Health Network. She invites you to participate in the daily blog, to investigate the science proving the benefits of detoxification, and whole food nutrition. To learn how you can avoid exposures with the products her site provides. And she asks you to consider what YOU would like to do to share this critical and timely message with others who want to live ToxinClear.

Please write her through the contact page, and she will respond to you personally within 48 hours.

Vicki Latham, and Reese, Mia, and Hailey  3 of her 7 ToxinClear grandchildren.
(Born ToxinClear because their mom detoxified with Clinoptilolite during her pregnancy’s with them)