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To help you to live a life that is ToxinClear. Reveal simple ways to create optimal cellular health, more energy and mental clarity. Show you how to remove the toxins that NEVER should have been there. Improve your health, and the health of your family, to become ToxinClear.
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With all the mass media attention to this topic, you may feel confused, or have “information overload”. I can help you accomplish Safe, Easy, and Effective detoxification. A key is understanding ACTIVE and PASSIVE detox methods. We will choose together, the best path for you to travel on your optimal health journey.
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Click on a heading below to learn more. Toxin in our Air/Water/Food The CDC states that Americans have an average body burden of 212 toxins stored in their tissues and fat. At least 85% of all cancers are directly caused by a toxic insult to the body. Hormonal Imbalances/Reproductive Difficulties Toxins are able to mimic natural hormones in the body. They can inhabit cell membrane receptor sites, blocking normal hormonal responses. BPA can affect male fertility, by reducing sperm motility. Endocrine disrupting toxins can alter can alter testosterone and estrogen, even for a baby in the...
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The CDC states that Americans have an average body burden of 212 toxins stored in their tissues and fat. At least 85% of all cancers are directly caused by a toxic insult to the body.
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