Click on a heading below to learn more.
Toxin in our Air/Water/Food
The CDC states that Americans have an average body burden of 212 toxins stored in their tissues and fat. At least 85% of all cancers are directly caused by a toxic insult to the body.
Hormonal Imbalances/Reproductive Difficulties
Toxins are able to mimic natural hormones in the body. They can inhabit cell membrane receptor sites, blocking normal hormonal responses. BPA can affect male fertility, by reducing sperm motility. Endocrine disrupting toxins can alter can alter testosterone and estrogen, even for a baby in the womb.
Heavy metals and other toxins can interfere with normal metabolic activity. For example, Mercury can interfere with the binding sites for Magnesium, disrupting ATP (adenosine triphosphate) from creating energy.
Obesity/Weight Issues
The body stores heavy metals and other industrial chemicals in fat cells. A chemical messenger around toxin-filled fat cells say to the body “take these last”, causing more difficulty losing weight.
BPA (Bisphenol A) is a known endocrine disrupter, increasing your risk for Insulin Resistance/Pre-diabetes.
Brain Fog/Memory Issues
Heavy metals, especially aluminum and mercury, are implicated in Alzheimer’s dementia research.
Heart Disease
Toxins contribute to inflammation in blood vessels, requiring the body to repair the damage with unstable plaques, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Auto-Immune Diseases/Allergies/Asthma
As toxins enter the system, the body may “Over-react” causing auto-immune diseases. Toxins can be tissue irritants, or stimulate undesired antibody responses.
A Compromised Immune System
When an excessive body burden of toxins has exhausted your normal detoxification pathways (through the liver, bowel, kidneys, lymph, skin, and breath), the body’s immune system is too stressed to function optimally.
Oxidative Stress
The major reason why we age! Free Radical damage from the toxic byproducts of normal metabolism, from intense exercise, or from industrial pollution/chemical toxins, all encourage cellular destruction, dysfunction, and vulnerability to disease.
YOU need to Detox!